Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Driving into town this morning I was rocking out to Josh Ritter and John Vanderslice. Well, trying to rock out. Coming from the back seat was this incessant stream of chatter invading my music listening zone.

"Mommy! When I grow up to be a woman I will wear a sweater like that too!"
"Look Mommy! Look at me! Look! I'm wearing my 'noculars"
"Mommy! Baby Amelia is wearing a hat like I am wearing a hat. We match!"
"Mommy! When I grow up to be a woman I will ride my horsie named Sackett like you ride your horsie named Chico!"
"Mommy, Baby William is crying like Baby Amelia is crying."

It always amazes me that she never tires of repeating the same phrases over, and over, and over (and over) again until I give her the right recognition.

It is often tempting for me to block out this chattering. Or even get frustrated that there never seems to be a quiet moment to think, or enjoy my music. But as much as I like to pretend my life's soundtrack is catchy and hip and indie, like The Audreys, I realized today that this is my soundtrack. And no matter how profound or artistically poetic the lyrics are Margaret's words are so much more profound, in her silly and wondering three year old questions and observations.

Time to rock out.


  1. I was in a thrift store the other day (you know, being thrifty) and Lucy was talking non-stop! She pointed out this, and wanted that, and wondered what something else was... A lady passing said she had a sweet voice and that she could listen to it all day.

    "I do listen to it all day," I thought. And then I realized what a blessing that is. May God bless our three-year-olds and may we thank Him for them!

  2. hi, my friend! I'm reminded of Phil Callaway's observation:

    "Having three children in three years is like installing a Nascar track in your head." :)

    I'm grateful for your reminder to enjoy "the soundtrack" of the life God has gifted us with now.

    Love you!
