Monday, March 28, 2011

"Praise God" is just one of many key phrases or words that prompt William to immediately throw his arms up over his head and start humming the beginning notes of the Doxology. Our church incorporates that as part of our liturgy every week so we added it to our family worship after dinner in order for the kids to be familiar with it. It is definitely ingrained in Will.

I didn't realize just how many words sparked that response in him. This past weekend the words "Holy Spirit" escaped my lips and William, though he had his back to me as he was busily playing with toys and seemingly oblivious to my conversation, instantly popped his little arms straight up. It is a reminder that he is constantly soaking up so much more than I realize. The words "Doxology", "family worship" "Bible" and "amen" and the music of the old one hundredth also have this effect on him. It's as if his arms have a mind of their own and certain words have been programmed into him to produce this strange response. But he also inevitably grins his little impish grin and hums along, so apparently he doesn't mind this form of indoctrination. I often catch him toddling along with an open book in hand, humming absentmindedly and raising his free hand in worship.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." - Matthew 19:14

Praise God!


  1. it seems God is so close to little children, so let's become more like wise William!
