It all started with knocking out the kitchen wall. Which led to us getting the materials necessary for our kitchen island that will go where...

It all started with knocking out the kitchen wall. Which led to us getting the materials necessary for our kitchen island that will go where...
Clay and I were talking the other night and realized that next month, when this baby is born, these will be our stats: we will have three ki...
I keep thinking that I have lots of time before this little one comes. Even with all of my preparations it still seems like it is such a lon...
Playing outside in the freshly fallen snow: 20 minutes getting everyone bundled up + 12 degree weather + being so bundled up they can hard...
Cold winter days call for creative indoor activities. Spreading a blanket over a couple pieces of furniture to make a play tent is a perfect...
We've survived the rush of the holidays. Visiting family in various parts of Missouri. Celebrating three Christmases. Building a bunk ...