Saturday, September 18, 2010

This song has recently become one of Onset Island's theme songs, popularized primarily by my father and Uncle Peter. I recommend the version sung by Loudon Wainright. Here are the lyrics, slightly adapted to fit the island life.

This summer I went swimming
This summer I might have froze

But I yelled real loud and I splashed my arms

And through the water I rose.

Through the water I rose.

This summer I swam in the ocean

Swam off the floating dock

Salt in my wounds, crabs on my toes,

Swam through the cormorant flocks,

Through the cormorant flocks.

This summer I did the backstroke,

And you know that's not all.
I did the breast stroke and the butterfly,

And the old Australian crawl,

The old Australian crawl.

This summer I swam off the seawall and in the lagoon to boot,

At the latter I was informal,
At the former I wore my suit,

I wore my swimming suit.

This summer I did swan dives and

Jack knives for you all.

And once when you weren't looking
I did a cannonball

I did a cannonball.


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