It's time to break the lack of posts regarding all of the domesticity projects I've been plugging away at. I'm making a little b...

the evolution of ears
Ah, the joy of German Shepherds.
my bathing beauty
And while we're doing Margaret updates.... This is the type of thing that happens now that Margaret is learning how to dress herself. ...
we are family
Margaret the artist and her first really, truly recognizable picture: Since the medium was easily smudgeable sidewalk chalk scrawled acros...

mustang vs. milk jugs
Today's de-spooking lesson was Chico versus the Scary Milk Jugs. The milk jugs won. Granted, they were milk jugs filled with a few rocks...

a post for mothers
It seems like this essay is making the rounds in the blog world but I thought I would help pass it along for those who haven't seen it y...
are you my mother?
spring chickens
This week was dedicated to preparing my flower gardens, visiting with family during their spontaneous trip down to Springfield, and picking...

because a country dog can survive
Born outside of Seattle and raised in the midst of Portland, Baldrick only knew the life of a city dog. He learned the ways of the dog parks...

some sound advice
Because everyone knows that Barney Fife is the leading expert on child discipline. Sometimes good advice comes from unlikely sources!