Monday, October 12, 2009


He made his appearance at 12:46 a.m. on October 11th weighing in at 8 lbs 1 oz and measuring nineteen inches long. Besides a bruised face from delivery he's healthy, eating well and doing marvelous. William and James are both long standing family names in the Dodson family - the closest links being that Clay's middle name is William and his grandfather's name was James William. We like the nicknames Will or Willy and will probably call him by one of these as well as William. Apparently Clay's great great grandfather, George William, went by the name "Mustang Bill". Maybe that will become William's cowboy nickname when he gets his first pair of boots and learns to ride. =)

We were able to leave the hospital a little earlier than the usually required 24 hours and made it home by 9:30 last night. Margaret stayed one more night at the babysitters before joining us at home this morning. She seems a bit in awe of the baby and is hesitant to get too close but I'm sure her curiosity and love of babies in general will soon win out and they'll be good buddies. Labor and delivery went smoothly (I couldn't have done it without Clay's wonderful help) and recovery is going smoothly as well. It's good to be home and enjoying our little family.


  1. He's beautiful! We are so happy for you! God bless your little man. I hope things continue to go smoothly and that adjustments will soon be made by all. Hooray!!

  2. Yeah! Congrats! Little boys are such fun!! :) Glad to see you guys are doing well!
