Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I didn't appreciate how lucky we are that Peshewa turned out to be a semi-calm, baby-friendly cat (or how attached I became to our hideous green kitchen floor) until I looked back at these videos of her glory days.

Clay named this kitten well, Peshewa is a "wild cat" (translated from miami indian). I still have visions of trying to walk down our stairs with a ferocious feline clinging onto my ankles. And drawing blood quite often. In fact I spent much of that summer dancing around the house trying to avoid having my feet attacked by those sharp kitten teeth and claws. And to think what she did to our poor guests.... She would have fit well into the ninja cat category on the lolcats site. And when it comes to flies... well, let's just say that our house is a fly's worst nightmare. Especially when she gets that silent roar going.

She still has fits of fiestiness - racing around the house with a rubberband or piece of carpet in her fangs and bouncing off the walls - but most of the day you wouldn't recognize her wild cat interior as she stretches out luxuriously on our pillows or entwines herself lovingly around my legs meowing piteously for me to check and make sure she still has a full dish of food. (Of course if I don't check her food my feet might be in danger.) And Margaret absolutely adores this cat. So whenever she gets annoying by jumping on and off our window sill onto our sleeping bodies forty times a night I just have to remember how patiently she puts up with Margaret pulling her hair and poking her fingers into her ears.

Peshewa vs. the Cardinals hat.

Peshewa vs. the evil Strainer.

Don't let her lithe movements fool you. She fell off the couch every few minutes.

This may look like it bodes ill for Arlo's future but that would be underestimating Arlo. For indescribable reasons Peshewa spent many hours sitting next to or on top of his cage and miserably tolerating the fierce attacks of his long probing beak. Eventually she decided enough is enough. Get her outside and she is a bird stalking queen but Arlo just doesn't exist anymore in her mind. Or else he's convinced her that he really is a human. That lives in a cage. And eats dog food.


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