My kids are a little too young to grasp the concept of hiding themselves behind a curtain and making a coherent story line with puppets. That didn't stop me from making them a doorway puppet theater this summer. With #4 on the way I figure that the more craft projects I can complete now the better. You can only divvy up daylight hours in so many ways.
I followed this diy guide for making the curtain. I had to modify the dimensions to fit our doorway and in the process I somehow didn't make the curtains quite as long as they should have been. This is (one of the many reasons) why I am not a professional seamstress. I also added another dowel pocket at the bottom of the curtain, just to keep it hanging nice and straight.
Margaret is enthralled with the idea of it, and I expect that once Wilhelm is old enough to join in the game we will have puppet shows galore. And I can't wait to see what happens when the cousins come over.
It turned out lovely!