W e made it home safely from our Seattle expedition at about 2 am last night. And we're very thankful it was a safe return! Our drive o...

W e made it home safely from our Seattle expedition at about 2 am last night. And we're very thankful it was a safe return! Our drive o...
Spring arrived in Moscow. At least for two days. It was a beautiful weekend and we made the best of it. Saturday was full with pie baking an...
Last night I attended Nancy Wilson's "lady's study" and, as usual, she gave some very encouraging and edifying thoughts. I...
It's been a while since I've tried my hand at blogging. My husband informs me that I have to have an inaugural post before actually ...
Yesterday felt like the first real day of spring. I even ventured outside for our daily walk in just a sweatshirt. It seemed like all of Mos...